
SCPI Command:

class AverageCls[source]

Average commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands

fetch() float[source]
# SCPI: FETCh:AFRF:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:DEMLeft:AFSignal:DELTa:AVERage
value: float = driver.afRf.measurement.multiEval.demodLeft.afSignal.delta.average.fetch()

Query delta results of the AF frequency for the left demodulator channel. For FM stereo, these results are related to the left audio channel.

Use RsCma.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.


frequency: Delta frequency value of the AF signal Range: 0 Hz to 21 kHz, Unit: Hz

read() float[source]
# SCPI: READ:AFRF:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:DEMLeft:AFSignal:DELTa:AVERage
value: float = driver.afRf.measurement.multiEval.demodLeft.afSignal.delta.average.read()

Query delta results of the AF frequency for the left demodulator channel. For FM stereo, these results are related to the left audio channel.

Use RsCma.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.


frequency: Delta frequency value of the AF signal Range: 0 Hz to 21 kHz, Unit: Hz