
SCPI Command:

class LevelCls[source]

Level commands group definition. 5 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 3 group commands

calculate() ResultStatus[source]
# SCPI: CALCulate:AFRF:MEASurement<Instance>:SROutines:TSENsitivity:VOIP:LEVel
value: enums.ResultStatus = driver.afRf.measurement.searchRoutines.tsensitivity.voip.level.calculate()

Query the AF signal level result at the target deviation in the VoIP path for the TX modulation sensitivity search routine. CALCulate commands return error indicators instead of measurement values.

Use RsCma.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.


tx_mod_sens: Level of the AF signal for the VoIP path Unit: dBm0

fetch() float[source]
# SCPI: FETCh:AFRF:MEASurement<Instance>:SROutines:TSENsitivity:VOIP:LEVel
value: float = driver.afRf.measurement.searchRoutines.tsensitivity.voip.level.fetch()

Query the AF signal level result at the target deviation in the VoIP path for the TX modulation sensitivity search routine. CALCulate commands return error indicators instead of measurement values.

Use RsCma.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.


tx_mod_sens: Level of the AF signal for the VoIP path Unit: dBm0

read() float[source]
# SCPI: READ:AFRF:MEASurement<Instance>:SROutines:TSENsitivity:VOIP:LEVel
value: float = driver.afRf.measurement.searchRoutines.tsensitivity.voip.level.read()

Query the AF signal level result at the target deviation in the VoIP path for the TX modulation sensitivity search routine. CALCulate commands return error indicators instead of measurement values.

Use RsCma.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.


tx_mod_sens: Level of the AF signal for the VoIP path Unit: dBm0

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.afRf.measurement.searchRoutines.tsensitivity.voip.level.clone()
