
SCPI Command:

class VphaseCls[source]

Vphase commands group definition. 4 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 4 group commands

get_bangle() float[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:BANGle
value: float = driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.get_bangle()

Sets the bearing angle from the beacon to the receiver, or vice versa, depending on the configured direction.


vor_phase: Range: 0 deg to 360 deg, Unit: deg

get_direction() VphaseDirection[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:DIRection
value: enums.VphaseDirection = driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.get_direction()

Sets the bearing direction.


direction: TO | FROM TO The bearing angle indicates the clockwise angle between north and the line from the receiver to the beacon. FROM The bearing angle indicates the clockwise angle between north and the line from the beacon to the receiver.

get_enable() bool[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:ENABle
value: bool = driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.get_enable()

Enables or disables the VAR signal.


enable: OFF | ON

get_mod_depth() float[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:MDEPth
value: float = driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.get_mod_depth()

Sets the AM modulation depth for the VAR signal. The sum of the modulation depths for all enabled components must not exceed 100 %.


vor_mod_depth: Range: 0 % to 100 %, Unit: %

set_bangle(vor_phase: float) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:BANGle
driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.set_bangle(vor_phase = 1.0)

Sets the bearing angle from the beacon to the receiver, or vice versa, depending on the configured direction.

param vor_phase:

Range: 0 deg to 360 deg, Unit: deg

set_direction(direction: VphaseDirection) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:DIRection
driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.set_direction(direction = enums.VphaseDirection.FROM)

Sets the bearing direction.

param direction:

TO | FROM TO The bearing angle indicates the clockwise angle between north and the line from the receiver to the beacon. FROM The bearing angle indicates the clockwise angle between north and the line from the beacon to the receiver.

set_enable(enable: bool) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:ENABle
driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.set_enable(enable = False)

Enables or disables the VAR signal.

param enable:


set_mod_depth(vor_mod_depth: float) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:AVIonics:GENerator<Instance>:VOR:AFSettings:VPHase:MDEPth
driver.source.avionics.generator.vor.afSettings.vphase.set_mod_depth(vor_mod_depth = 1.0)

Sets the AM modulation depth for the VAR signal. The sum of the modulation depths for all enabled components must not exceed 100 %.

param vor_mod_depth:

Range: 0 % to 100 %, Unit: %